Produced in an Italian combed cotton yarn, the mens knit Rigid Popover has a relaxed, boxy fit and features cable stitched body and sleeves, plain stitched sides, french shoulders and rolling collar, cuffs and hem.
This garment is manufactured using carefully sourced yarn with a unique treatment process that will give each garment an individual shade and appearance. This technique could result in colour migration onto lighter garments or surfaces. The natural characteristics of the yarn, combined with the construction of the knit allows the garment to expand when worn. Once washed the garment should return to its original form. To help keep the integrity of the garment please store folded.
· Italian yarn
· 100% Combed Cotton
· Cable stitch body and sleeves
· Plain stitch sides
· French shoulders
· Rolling collar and hemline
· Piece dyed
· Relaxed, boxy fit