Shipping informations
Free shipping
Free shipping to Italy on orders over 100 EUR and delivery within 24 hours for orders placed by 12 PM. excluding discounted items, which will incur a 7 euro shipping fee.
International shipping
International shipping is charged as an additional cost: it will be applied to your order at checkout.
All orders are shipped worldwide with GLS or DHL and requires a delivery proof (signature upon delivery, etc….)
Returns and exchanges
Please contact prior to sending a return or exchange.
You have 14 days from when your order is delivered to ship / postmark it back to our return center for a refund or exchange.
Clients are responsible for return shipping charges.
We accept returns only with shipment by express courier.
Please send the package at:
Via Albizzi , 4
Cesena (FC)
To be eligible for a return, items must be returned to us in perfect condition, with all original tags and packaging intact.
Once we receive your item, we will inspect it; if your return is approved, you can expect to receive a refund within 7 days of sending the parcel back to us, depending on your card issuer’s policies.
Once we have processed the return, you will receive a refund confirmation email.
We don’t accept returns and refunds for items with discount of 60 % and 70 % .